Our Charities


Throughout the Bible, Jesus demonstrates generosity. Wherever there was a need, people received more than they had hoped for.  The Bible calls us to have this same mindset of generosity in our lives (Philippians 2:1-11).

One way we try to follow this example of generosity is by raising money for charity.

Our school supports various charities throughout the year.

We have one main charity that the children vote for annually and we also have various national charities we support throughout the year: Children in Need, Red Nose Day, Comic Relief and Sport Relief.

Chosen Charity 2022-23 &2023-24

All the children voted for either a charity which supports children, adults or animals.

The winning category was a children’s charity and the winning charity chosen was ‘The Children’s Society’ – a charity which supports children in the UK.

In the autumn term, we held a ‘movie and popcorn night’ which raised a fantastic £142.50. Thank you to everyone who has kindly contributed.

Further events to raise money will be held each term. Please look out for further details.

For more information about the charity please visit: https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/

Thank you for your kind and generous support.

Chosen Charity 2021-22

Last year, the children voted to raise funds for Children in Need.

Each class has held a ‘Stay and Play’ after school session costing £3.00 per child.  Reception held theirs on Thursday, 26th November and Year One on Thursday, 3rd December and Year Two on Thursday, 10th December.

The total amount raised was an amazing £215.00.

Thank you to everyone who has very kindly contributed.  We hope the children enjoyed their Stay & Play session.

For further information or to donate to Children in Need, see their website.

Chosen Charity 2019-20

During 2019-2020, our school supported The Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals.

The charity believe the compassion for God’s creatures is a message for all ages.  They want to enhance children’s knowledge about helping to protect endangered animals and promoting care and compassion for the many wonderful animals who share our planet.

We raised a total of £147.50 for the charity during a very difficult period due to COVID-19, so were happy to raise this amount.

The children raised this amount on Thursday, 14th November 2019 by having a Pizza and Play Night.

To find out further information on this charity, please view their website.

Chosen Charity 2018-19

During 2018-2019 the children chose to donate their fund-raising money to Brinsley Animal Rescue.

We managed to raise a total of £188.00 throughout the year by holding Pizza & Play, Movie Nights and themed events.

Since receiving our donation, Brinsley Animal Rescue have been in touch to advise that they have had a lot of hungry hedgehogs in the hospital needing medication and food so our donation went towards caring for them.

For further information on Brinsley Animal Rescue see their website.

Ongoing Charities

We support Savanna Rags who are a local charity based in the Midlands by collecting and donating unwanted clothing and rags in the clothing bank we have installed in our school playground.

Savanna Rags are exporters and processors of recycled clothing and cleaning cloths.

They were founded with 2 key issues at heart: To reduce the amount of clothing going into landfill and to provide ongoing support for charities.

They are dedicated to working with and supporting charities at home and abroad ie: Zambia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Malawi.

For further information, please see their website.

We support At Home who are in partnership with Police Aid Convoys and Mansfield Heroes Memorial Fund.

Please see the links below for further information:

National Police Aid Charity

Mansfields Heroes Charity

In addition to the above charities, we also support our local Foodbank (Marys Foodbank) by donating our Harvest Festival food collections to St Mary Magdalene Church,  Sutton in Ashfield.

Mary’s Foodbank Sutton help feed over 100 deserving people each week.  Some are homeless and some are at risk of losing their homes.  All are vulnerable and have been referred to the Foodbank for help from statutory bodies ie: local Job Centre, Local Council and Citizens Advice.

Mary’s Foodbank needs donations of non-perishable (and in-date) foods such as cans of beans, meat, fish, vegetables, fruit and packets of dried goods such as cereals, pasta and rice etc.

St Mary Sutton

Neighbourly Project

Huthwaite All Saints C of E Infant School